
The road to perdition

, they say, is paved with good intentions.

I guess mine is halfway through.

Over the past few months, I have alienated people who were close, fought with ones who could have helped my career soar, and went on a freefall on the financial front.

I had started to correct the ill of my ways since January, but a bit slowly, I guess. I even questioned my decisions multiple times. I thought I was being harsh on people, that I was going back on promises I made.

The events that happened in the last 48 hours gave me a new perspective over things. I wasn't worried about breaking the promises any more; there were other important things to concentrate on.

Life is indeed fickle, and if I don't get done what I want to do - I will only have myself to blame.

I am to blame for not starting 48 hours ago, too - as soon as the realization struck. But there were chores to run, things to take care of.. the unavoidables.

The first domino has collapsed already, and I feel the avalanche is not far off. What does it reveal - I don't know, but I am pretty sure it isn't my damnation.

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