
Loose Change

One thing I hate more than unnecessary facebook app updates- is "Happy ____" (birthday, Diwali, holi, anniversary... take your pick) updates from my social media 'friends'. Being the festive season, for the first time this year, my facebook wall has more 'Happy Diwali' posts than hide-able updates from meaningless applications.

This article from Malcolm Gladwell talks about how (in)effective social media is in bringing the revolution. These social media 'revolutions' make us feel good at doing nothing. Instead of donating money to the breast cancer fund, we are changing the color of our status messages, and feel that we've 'created awareness'. Same thing with children facing hygiene problems in Africa. Or Earthquake victims in Pakistan. In short, we are getting used to doing nothing about things that matter, and feel good in the process, just like the loose change we throw at beggars at traffic signals.

We seem to be doing the same thing with our relationships. we get notified about friends' (and parents', siblings', and in some cases, spouses') birthdays via Facebook, and wish them by writing on their walls. ditto with festivals and other holidays. Personal communication is slowly taking a backseat.

Wish Facebook introduces a 'hide posts by word' button. I'd rather go wishless instead of receiving artificial wishes from people who don't care.


Sriram JP said...

its for people like me who came to know its diwali after opening facebook :)

Kris Nayak said...

Again, this post is not for you. See the update!

Sriram JP said...

hehehe :)))